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  • Getting Married in 2025? Here’s How to Make It Extra Special During the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year

Getting Married in 2025? Here’s How to Make It Extra Special During the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year

If you’re tying the knot in 2025, you’re in for a once-in-a-lifetime experience! The Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year, which happens only every 25 years, makes this the perfect time to celebrate love and faith. Here are three meaningful things you can do:

1. Have your wedding or honeymoon in Italy

Top romantic places include:

  • Lake Como – A Serene Paradise with stunning lakeside villas
  • Milan – A Stylish Love Affair  where fashion meets history, perfect for a chic wedding or honeymoon.
  • Rome – The Eternal City, where faith and romance come together beautifully.
  • Turin – A Hidden Gem of Romance and Elegance

2. Enter the Holy Doors in Rome’s Basilicas

The Holy Doors (Portas Santas) open only once every 25 years during the Jubilee Year. Walking through them is a rare spiritual experience, symbolizing renewal and grace.  Visit the Four Major Basilicas of Rome to complete this pilgrimage:

holy door bridal fair

holy door bridal fair

3. Attend the Papal Audience (Udenzia Generale) at the Vatican

Every Wednesday, Pope Francis holds a Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square—and it’s completely FREE! Here’s how to make the most of this unforgettable moment:

  • Apply for Tickets Online – They’re free but limited, so secure yours early.
  • Claim Your Tickets – Pick them up a day before or on the day of the audience.
  • Arrive Early – Be in line by 7:30 AM or earlier. Expect long lines (really long ones!), but your goal is to get a spot beside the aisle where Pope Francis, in his wheelchair, will pass.
  • Bring Religious Artifacts for a Blessing – The Pope blesses religious items along the way.
  • Special Newlywed Blessing from the Pope (Sposi Novelli) – If you’re recently married, mention this in your request mention and follow additional requirements such as presenting a marriage certificate and wearing wedding attire.
Rome Pope Audience bridal fair (8)
January 22, 2025 ticket of Inspirations.PH and Themes & Motifs editorial team.


best bridal fair 2025
CLICK HERE: Brides & grooms get FREE Admission when pre-registered.


Prefecture of the Papal Household
Request form for the reservation of tickets

Please verify on the website of the Holy See ( the available Pontifical events with the participation of pilgrims, and type in on your computer the following information required below:

Date (of General audience or Liturgical celebration) (DD/MM/YY)*: xxxxxx

Number of tickets required*: xxx
First and Last name*: xxxxxxxxx
Email*: xxxxxxxxx
Name of the Group (if applicable):
Complete Mailing Address: xxxxxxxxx

Telephone (with international dialing prefixes): xxxxxxxxx
Fax (with international dialing prefixes):

Please send this form by fax, post or email to the following:
Fax (+39) 06 698 85863
Prefecture of the Papal Household
00120 Vatican City State
Email :

* * *
Important Notice: Tickets for ALL Papal ceremonies are issued FREE OF CHARGE.
GENERAL AUDIENCE: tickets can be collected at the Bronze Door (under the right-hand colonnade of St Peter’s Square) between 15:00 and 19:00 on the preceding afternoon, or on the morning of the audience from 7:00.
LITURGICAL CEREMONY: tickets can be collected at the Bronze Door (under the right-hand colonnade in St Peter’s Square) from 9:00 to 19:00 on the preceding day, or according to prior notification.

Long lines going through security check.


Swiss guards by the entrance of the papal audience hall.


You will receive an automatic reply in four languages: Italian / English / Spanish / French

RISPOSTA AUTOMATICA: La Sua richiesta è stata ricevuta e verrà elaborata il prima possibile.
Si comunica che i biglietti d’accesso per le Udienze Generali del mercoledì sono sempre disponibili. * Si richiede pertanto di INVIARE UNA SOLA E-MAIL PER RICHIESTA SENZA SOLLECITARNE RISPOSTA ONDE EVITARE DOPPIONI E/O DISGUIDI.
Tuttavia, a causa del grande numero di richieste che pervengono quotidianamente agli Uffici di questa Prefettura, potrebbe verificarsi che non si riceva in tempi utili la risposta contenente i dettagli della Sua prenotazione.
La preghiamo di presentarsi presso il Portone di Bronzo del Palazzo Apostolico (Piazza S. Pietro, Colonnato di destra) e ritirare comunque i biglietti richiesti.
I biglietti saranno disponibili a partire dal martedì che precede l’Udienza Generale dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 19.00, oppure lo stesso giorno dell’Incontro Papale dalle ore 7.00.

Cordiali saluti in Cristo,
Prefettura della Casa Pontificia


AUTOMATIC REPLY: Your request has been received and will be processed as soon as possible.
Tickets for the Wednesday General Audiences are always available. It is therefore requested to SEND ONLY ONE EMAIL PER REQUEST WITHOUT FOLLOWING UP, TO AVOID DUPLICATES AND/OR MISUNDERSTANDINGS.
However, due to the daily numerous requests received, it may occur that you may not receive a reply in time.
Therefore, you are kindly invited to come to the Bronze Door of the Apostolic Palace (St. Peter’s Square, right-hand Bernini colonnade) and pick up the required tickets, anyway. Tickets will be available from the preceding day of the General Audience from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., or the same day of the audience, from 7 a.m.

Kindest regards,
Prefecture of the Papal Household


RESPUESTA AUTOMÁTICA: Su solicitud ha sido recibida y será procesada a la brevedad.
Asimismo, le informamos que los billetes para participar en las Audiencias Generales de los miércoles están siempre disponibles. Por ello, se solicita enviar solo un correo electrónico por solicitud y no requerir respuesta para evitar duplicados y/o malentendidos.

No obstante, debido a la gran cantidad de solicitudes que esta Prefectura recibe diariamente, es posible que no reciba la confirmación con los detalles de su reserva a tiempo. En ese caso, puede dirigirse al Portone di Bronzo (Puerta de Bronce) del Palacio Apostólico (acceso ubicado al comienzo de la columnata derecha de la Plaza de San Pedro) y podrá, de todas formas, recoger las entradas solicitadas.

Las entradas estarán disponibles a partir del martes anterior a la Audiencia General, de 15:00 a 19:00 horas, o el mismo día del evento, a partir de las 7:00 horas.

Con cordiales saludos en Cristo,
Prefectura de la Casa Pontificia


RÉPONSE AUTOMATIQUE : Votre demande a été reçue et sera traitée dans les plus brefs délais.
Nous vous informons que les billets d’entrée pour les Audiences Générales du mercredi sont toujours disponibles. VOUS ÊTES PRIÉS D’ENVOYER UN SEUL COURRIEL PAR DEMANDE, EN ÉVITANT LES SOLLICITATIONS, AFIN DE PRÉVENIR LES RISQUES D’ERREUR.
Toutefois, en raison du grand nombre de demandes qui parviennent quotidiennement aux bureaux de cette Préfecture, il peut arriver que la réponse contenant les détails de votre réservation ne parvienne pas en temps voulu.
Nous vous prions donc de vous présenter, en tout cas, à la Porte de Bronze du Palais Apostolique (Place Saint-Pierre, Colonnade droite) et retirer les billets demandés.
Les billets seront disponibles à partir du mardi qui précède l’Audience générale, de 15 heures à 19 heures, ou le jour même de la rencontre papale, à partir de 7 heures.

Cordiales salutations dans le Christ,
Préfecture de la Maison Pontificale


Jampacked hall.


Sposi novelli. Newlyweds receiving special papal blessing.



The Dream Team


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