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James and Nikki are Home

James Eric Wong wanted to keep his proposal to Kristine Dominique Calayan close to home. Literally. For his big surprise, he specifically chose their future home to be the place where he would ask her the big question. Since the house was still unfurnished at the time, the clever groom decided to play interior decorator by tacking sticky notes and writing on them the planned rooms and furnishings of the house, including memories they could make together in each corner of their love nest. The notes detailed things like, “Sofa goes here.”, “Candle-lit dinners here.”, and “Magic happens here.”

On the day of the big reveal, Nikki was informed that there would be a date night with their other couple friends. They agreed to go to James’ brother’s house, situated near the proposal venue, to wait for another couple before heading out for the evening. Once James received the go-signal call on his phone, he rushed over to the future house and hid at the 2nd floor with the ring and his speech.

Meanwhile, Nikki was convinced by their couple friends (who pretended they were on a house hunt) to go with them to “check out” the “house for rent” in the same neighborhood while they were waiting for James to come back. When she entered the house, her eyes immediately trained in on the sticky notes on the walls. She passed through every room reading each note, while a friend started videotaping her walk from room to room. When she reached the 2nd floor, she finally spotted James on the terrace. Next, she spied their family and friends all recording the succeeding moments on their phones from the garage downstairs. James made his speech, a long, metaphorical story about a wizard and a princess, and finally knelt down to ask her to marry him. Once the bride said a victorious ‘Yes!’, their nearest and dearest rushed up the stairs to join in on the celebration.

Home is where the heart is. In this case, no words could be truer.

The Dream Team


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