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CDWorx Photography & Videography

It Worx!

CD Worx on what makes their event-coverage approach work overtime

It takes a couple to give that je ne sais quoi to other couples. At least, that seems to be the case for CD Worx Multimedia Center. Behind the lenses is a husband and wife tandem with an eye for precious candid moments caught on cam, be it on photo or video. Since 2002, the harmonious pair of weekend freelancers has captured scores of other lovey-dovey duos, from giddy newlyweds starting their lives together to solid couples celebrating their nth wedding anniversaries.

For today’s Spotlight On, they gave us a look on what makes them so sought-after:

  • On their artistic style: They keep it simple and earnest.

Our style in photography is journalistic and straight forward. We document the event as it unfolds, capturing the most important moments of your life.

  • On how they maintain a classy, timeless output: Meld the romance of the past with the innovations of the future! 

We produce videos that blend the traditional with contemporary, remaining faithful to the classics while incorporating modern trends. We work unobtrusively, recording what comes naturally, to portray the true emotions of the moment.

  • On what advice they offer to couples: Worry not!

Don’t stress things too much. Enjoy and learn from the process.

  • On finding your heaven-sent photographer/videographer: There are times when it’s not about the money, money, money…

It should not only be about who has the lowest rates. There are other things to consider. You have to take into account whose package provides more value. The quality of the shots and how they are packaged may be compromised in favor of a lower price tag. There is also the issue of credibility. Some studios may not be as professional as advertised. All of this becomes a game of trade-offs.

The Dream Team


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