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A Fine Arts major in Advertising from the University of Santo Tomas in the capital Manila, Philippines, Mr. Pascual recounts how from being the visual artist consultant and director for popular and trendy Cinderella clothing and apparels store for six years (1994-2000), he was able to penetrate the event styling profession for weddings, corporate events and debuts.

His masterwork of design and displays have been gracing weddings, corporate functions, family homes, Enterprise and Shangri-la building lobbies and hallways, exhibits, and display window of Cinderella. “Actually when I launched myself carrying the title as an event stylist in 2001, it turned out that many people I knew were surprised because they have never heard or not been familiar with this profession,” said Mr. Pascual. “And not until I marketed and promoted my line of work that the industry finally understood me, and some followed suit”

In the United States, a visual stylist is trained in aesthetics and logistics and is considered the “interior designer” of the special event industry. Mr. Pascual explained that as visual event stylist you are the production manager and as such, he directs all visual aspects of an event by merging design elements with logistical and technical parameters. So compared with a wedding coordinator or wedding planner, an event stylist evaluates and assess an event plan with keen visual eye with high regard to aesthetics, and the look and feel of an event. Mr. Pascual prides that he goes abroad and sourced out materials, manufactures and supplies props and decorations for the requirements of his clients.

Qualities that an aspiring event stylist should possess For any prospective event stylist, it is important that one possess good taste and the so-called “third eye.” You must have quick eye and must be aware and you should have broad imagination to allow you imagine things creatively and passionately,” Mr. Pascual stressed, adding that “it is a must that you are an artist 70 percent and that that quality runs in your blood.” Mr. Pascual pointed out that it is not easy to claim that one is an event stylist if he just learned something from the books and copied the styles and look he or she saw from these publications.

His Visual Event Styling Process Before he works for a client, Mr. Pascual said that he hold consultation with the client, taking this chance to ask questions to determine the client’s wishes and how they will fit into the overall objectives necessary for the success of the event. “Then what followed is for me to do the illustration and drawing of what or how I envisioned the event should be styled,” he added, and then, “I prefer that my client give me an idea of their budget. That way, I will be able to adjust my design. Lastly, I prepare my proposal for the client to ask for approval.” For Mr. Pascual, he ensures that the style and design of an event is ideally the careful balance of form, function, texture, and artfully selected color to create a truly mesmerizing and memorable event. He also considers logistics in determining the styling of an event. Still young at heart, Mr. Pascual said that he is not contented with what he has fashioned for a certain event or decoration. He aims to always elevate what he has done and create something new and innovative.

The Dream Team


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