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RAM MARCELO : Capturing the Special Moments

Ram Marcelo on capturing the special moments

by Marielle Ong

To Ram Marcelo, there’s more to event photography than a lucrative business and accolades. While his company has the projects and recognition to make its name a staple in the wedding industry, it’s the relationship with the subjects that he’s particularly proud of. “I would say my most notable accomplishments are my clients who have become my friends,” he says. “I love being able to capture each of their stories and immortalize their dream weddings. That’s the satisfaction!” For Spotlight On, we picked his brain on being part of those milestones.

Dream driven –  “All events start out as a dream—our client’s dream,” Ram muses. “We are part of what makes this dream come true!” To achieve that, his team sits down and brainstorms with the soon-to-weds or debutantes to get a feel of what they want and who they really are. Suggestions are then made on the nitty-gritty to help realize the dream.

Comfort comes first – Now, there’s the delicate matter of getting shy subjects to let loose or at least tone down the nervousness for the shoot. “The meeting prior to the shoot is crucial,” he stresses. “This is when we establish a relationship and good rapport that help make our clients more comfortable on camera.” Thus, it is important to sit down with your photographer, get a sense of his vision and shooting style, and ask all questions you might have.

Apart from setting his clients’ minds at ease during the initial meeting, Ram keeps it comfy by knowing the subjects’ limits. “We make sure that our clients only do what is comfortable for them on set and, more importantly, that they enjoy the day.” The energy of his young team also helps.


Hot shots – The current event photography trend isn’t as extreme as one might expect, according to Ram. “What we love right now are the art shots and showing creativity and boldness in our photographs—beauty that cannot be seen with the usual eye,” he mentions. But poses are still kept natural, candid, and simple, with the team documenting those unguarded moments to great effect. While Ram isn’t afraid to work with trends, his goal is to bridge the gap between the stylish and the timeless.

Take it away – Destination shoots are notoriously tricky. Careful preparation makes a huge difference in pulling the session off. Research the area, figure out travel logistics and locations, and then create moodboards for the final look and feel. Ram advises, “It’s always good to limit the ideas and locations into a few strong ones versus many ideas that don’t collectively tell one story. This will make our time and energy together much more efficient.” A super early call time is also better than a late one, especially when you’re trying to get the best lighting conditions or are trying to avoid throngs of tourists from photo points.

Into the light – Finally, Ram’s biggest piece of advice is about finding the light. “[Lighting] is the main ingredient behind those soft, dreamy photos,” he says. Choose a location with good quality sunlight, and avoid a noontime schedule due to the harsh light creating unflattering shadows. Indoor shoots are made all the better with open shades and big windows. Lighting setups should also be carefully considered in reception venues.

The Dream Team


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