Beautiful Bolinao
We braved the 5 hour long drive from Manila to Bolinao, Pangasinan where reservations have been made for a 4D/3N stay in Punta Riviera, a resort which we have just heard about since they were exhibitors in Wedding Expo Philippines.

We wanted to take a long drive and just take our time re-educating ourselves with the rich history and culture along the way and re-orienting ourselves with the rich flora and fauna that can be found by the roadside.
Frankly, we were not expecting much. After all, what we wanted was just to get away from the hustle and bustle of Manila.
Our reservations were done by phone as Punta Riviera did not have an online booking system. The staff who answered the phone seemed well trained enough in accepting reservations long distance. It also helped that directions in booking a room and the way to the resort was available on their website.
While everything else seemed ordinary, what really took our breath away was the panoramic view of the sea. Despite the presence of other guests in the resort (actually, it was fully booked), you get the feeling that you have the place all to yourself.
Peace & Quiet
For one, it’s not as crowded as other more popular beaches elsewhere in the country. Also, the immensity of the sea and sky that present itself in great beauty engulfs you with an incredible feeling of inner peace – the kind that makes you keep your voice down when you enter a great cathedral. All at once, you are in awe and in communion with nature, relaxed and at peace.
Walking on the powdery ivory beach has a soft tranquilizing feeling that makes you feel like you just want to lie down and sleep on the beach itself.
Other sites
There are other interesting sites to visit in Bolinao. You can either take a hike or drive around. Consider these:
- There is an interesting lighthouse on top of a hill which provides a great wide open view of the horizon. This is an ideal spot for a picnic and / or picture taking. Enjoy plenty of fresh air and spend a few pensive moments.
- Visit the ballroom of Treasures of Bolinao (at the very tip of the province, where the coast kisses the sea) with a 360 degree picture windows and a seaside motif (think cigay chandeliers, and kabibe fixtures). Wedding ceremonies are held here. However, we were warned that that the view can be very distracting during wedding ceremonies because it is very picturesque.
- The rock formations, hewn through the ages by mother nature herself, are sights to behold and touch. Standing like sentinels a few meters from shore, they valiantly face the wind and water to provide a textured backdrop to an overwhelmingly pretty sunset.
Enough of the blah blah. Here are the pics (actual photos taken with an ordinary digital camera; no photoshop):