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How To Be A Top Booker or Top Grosser in T&M’s Bridal Fairs


TOP BOOKER: Most number of bookings during a bridal fair
TOP GROSSER: Highest amount of booking during a bridal fair

Here are the steps in becoming as Top Booker or Top Grosser:

  1. Book a client during a Themes & Motifs bridal fair.
  2. Issue an Official Receipt. All official receipts shown at the Grand Raffle Draw coupon redemption center will be tallied and will be the only basis of the TOP BOOKER & TOP GROSSER awards.
  3. Encourage your client to claim their raffle coupons for the event’s grand raffle draw. No sale will be tallied if the official receipt is not shown.


FOUR Reasons Why Themes & Motifs TOP BOOKER & TOP GROSSER awards are different from other bridal fairs:

Remember L-O-V-E.

1.      LEGIT – Always based on Grand Raffle Draw mechanics duly registered with and approved by the Department of Trade & Industry. Every P2,000.00 worth of official receipt for product / service booked with Themes & Motifs exhibitor on site entitles soon-to-weds to a raffle coupon. The tally of official receipts is the basis for Themes & Motifs TOP BOOKER & TOP GROSSER.

2.      ORIGINAL –  Themes & Motifs started these awards in 2002. It has been copied by other fairs since then.

3.      VERIFIABLE  –  Only Themes & Motifs TOP BOOKER & TOP GROSSER awards can be verified since they are based on Official Receipts submitted by soon-to-weds themselves when they claim their raffle coupon for the grand draw.

NOTE: No official receipt, no coupon. This means the sale will not be included in the tally for TOP BOOKER & TOP GROSSER. Also, if the soon-to-weds do not claim the raffle coupons for the grand draw by showing their official receipt for on site purchases, the sale will not be included in the tally for TOP BOOKER & TOP GROSSER.

4.      ENVIABLE – Past winners include Nice Print Photo, Josiah’s Catering, Jason Magbanua, Juan Carlo The Caterer, Hizon’s Catering, Smart Shot Studio, and other popular names in the local wedding industry.

Why two awards? To give equal chance to big and small wedding suppliers to win an award. Small ticket items (i.e. such as souvenirs and invitation will be no match to big ticket items (i.e. photographers, caterers, and florists) if the basis is amount booked. Conversely, if the basis is the number of accounts booked, the small ticket item which tend to be more popular in bridal fairs will have and edge over the big tickets. Giving two awards that acknowledge the basic difference in doing business among suppliers in Themes & Motifs’ bridal fair is at the core of the Top Booker and Top Grosser awards.

The Dream Team


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